Wednesday, February 23, 2011

7 Ways Journalists Can Use Foursquare

Tech-savvy journalists usually go where the crowds are, and were quick to jump on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. As Foursquare climbs toward critical mass, with over one million users, 40 million checkins, and counting, it’s also becoming a hot new tool for the digital journalist.
Last week, for example, a single checkin on Foursquare by The Wall Street Journal pushed notifications to approximately 2,600 phones during the Times Square evacuation scare. Clearly, Foursquare can no longer be considered just a game.
With all the recent hype, journalists and media companies are itching to find their own ways to use location-sharing apps to bolster their trade. You can get started with the following seven tips, then share your own ideas in the comments.

1. Finding Targeted Contacts

Bowery Foursquare Image
Foursquare pegs real people to real places. It provides a simple way for journalists to overcome common problems like “I need to interview a customer who frequents this business,” and helps them find contact information for such people. Visit a venue’s page on, and you’ll see who the mayor is (the user who has checked in the most in past months), and who else has recently been there. A friend request — or some good old fashioned Internet snooping — can yield contact information in a snap.
Additionally, when you check in at a venue on Foursquare, you can see who else is there at that moment. Blogger Paul Bradshaw recently wrote about serendipitously finding a contact via checkin:
“David Nikel, a political candidate in Birmingham, ‘checked in’ at Birmingham New Street train station 5 minutes after I had. Although I hadn’t ‘shared’ my check in via Twitter, because Nikel did, his automatically generated tweet said that I was there too. This alerted me and led to us meeting.”

2. Breaking News

Wall Street Journal Breaking Foursquare Image
As we’ve mentioned, The Wall Street Journal illustrated during the Times Square bomb scare how instant notifications to people’s phones via Foursquare can be an effective way to deliver breaking news. Simply “shout” while checking into a location, and your followers will receive your memo, almost like an SMS. While we don’t yet know of a way to filter shout recipients by location (all of your friends get them rather than just those who are close), this type of feature will likely surface on Foursquare and similar apps in the future.
How many followers were actually in Times Square and diverted from harm’s way by the Journal’s checkin? Probably not very many. But the incident illustrates the potential Foursquare has for passing along urgent news updates as the service grows.
Zach Seward, The Wall Street Journal outreach editor, said that Foursquare works particularly well for breaking news that is specific to a location. After initially partnering with Foursquare on its local New York badges and tips, the organization was looking to further explore the breaking news potential.
“Foursquare, of course, is all about your location, so we thought it could work really well for news that’s important to people in the vicinity, but less important to people who aren’t close to the action,” Seward said. He makes the point that it wouldn’t work as well for, say, coverage of a presidential election.
So what did the Journal decide was the best way to notify its followers on Foursquare? Seward said they had initially considered breaking news in the form of a tip, but ultimately decided it would be more effective notifying them through a checkin.
A user has to be your “friend” in order to see your shouts, meaning he’ll have to authorize you to see his whereabouts before you can send him updates. Clearing that privacy hurdle might be a challenge for journalistic organizations, but once they do, the app can be very useful for news delivery.

3. Sourcing Information From Tips

Foursquare Tips Image
Location-based tips left by users at particular venues may not be a huge source of information, but they can provide extra insight into businesses and individuals you’re trying to learn about. Gleaning as much as you can from every scrap is the name of the reporting game, after all.

4. Learning About People You’re Profiling

Foursquare Shouts Image
Foursquare can be fantastic source of reporting material when doing profiles of people. You can learn a lot about a person based on the places he or she frequents, and the things he or she says when only “close friends” are able to hear.
If you can get your profile subjects to agree to “friending” you on Foursquare, it’s easy to monitor their activity and get a clear picture of their habits. And every Foursquare checkin is essentially an invite for friends to join up somewhere, which makes dropping in and observing profile subjects and their pals in their natural habitats a piece of cake. Call it “opt-in stalking.”

5. Discovering and Monitoring Trends

Foursquare Trends Image
Foursquare allows you to see the activity of popular nearby venues in real-time. While the trending venues are often predictably high-traffic destinations (say, New York Penn Station), journalists can monitor trends in their local areas to see if irregular or newsworthy patterns emerge.
For example, if there are suddenly many people checking in to a restaurant that was never popular before, a reporter might learn that it’s because the place reopened after renovations. That might be a newsworthy lead to follow.

6. Publishing and Distributing Content

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News organizations, like The New York Times, that have jumped into partnerships with Foursquare are using location tips to link to content. Frequently, this takes the form of dining tips connected to restaurant reviews. Followers can click on a link to get more information about the restaurant.
Individual journalists can provide similar value by offering their expertise in tips and linking to content that they have produced for more information.

7. Crowdsourcing News and Rewarding Readers with Badges

WSJ Foursquare Badges
“Badges” seems to be the default answer people give when discussing Foursquare for businesses. Despite the cliche, badges are a psychological incentive that have been proven to work, and journalists can take advantage of them.
One idea is to reward users for contributing to crowdsourcing projects. For example, offer readers badges when they send in news updates surrounding local events or locations. You could even develop a system that rewards different levels of contribution (contributor, freelancer, reporter, senior correspondent, etc.). This could be a fantastic way to get readers involved in news gathering, keep them engaged, and reinforce positive feelings about your brand.
The Wall Street Journal, once again at the forefront of Foursquare experimentation, recently launched a badge campaign that rewards readers for checking into places the Journal has recently written about. We’ll see in time how well it encourages user engagement with the brand.


Foursquare can be a fantastic tool for journalists, but it isn’t the only location-based social network that news organizations can leverage for sourcing and reporting. Gowalla, Brightkite, Loopt, Where, Hot Potato, and several others are absolutely worth monitoring as well.
It should also be noted that as early as late May, Facebook will introduce a new feature which will allow users to tag their location in their status. With Facebook’s huge existing user base, this will be a big development in the location space, and something journalists should definitely have an eye on.

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