Sunday, March 20, 2011

Obama vs Gaddafi

'Laydeeeez and Gentlemen! In the Red, White and Blue Corner (of the UN Assembly Waiting area) Barack Yes He Can ObaaaMA!....and in the Green Corner (also waiting to address the UN) Muammar Call Me Al GaaaaaddaFII!...
'Ok Gentlemen. Shake hands!'

Now that would make quite a picture. But it probably won't.
The American corner will move hell and high water, and cameras, to ensure that on Wednesday morning President Obama will not find himself in the Assembly Hall waiting area with Colonel Gaddafi, or, if that is unavoidable, to make sure there are no cameras to witness what would be an interesting encounter following the recent furore over Lockerbie.
This year's UN General Assembly is chaired by Libya.
And guess who gets to draw up the running order of speakers? Correct. And guess who is scheduled to speak directly after Obama? Indeed. So all the Colonel has to do is show up in the waiting area first, right?

Maybe not. The US side should be able to avoid any embarrassing photos. Firstly there are ways and means, and entrances and exits, and anyway, photographers are not supposed to be in the waiting area.
But imagine the scene, and the problem for your security detail.
There are more than 100 world leaders here. Someone says 'Elvis has entered the building' and you might think, 'which one?'

Before you know it, there's the Colonel, advancing upon the American Prez, shouting 'Barack my friend', arms aloft with the intention of bear hugs and not just a 'mwaah mwaah' on each cheek, but Tripoli kisses all round?
Suddenly a camera flash begins popping. Do you take a handshake for the President? Can you throw yourself in front of a speeding Colonel and thus cause a diplomatic incident? No. And thus is made the front page of hundreds of national newspapers around the world.
Which is why it probably it won't happen. But it'll be fun trying to find out how they did it. Either way.

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